Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tubeless Toilet Paper!!!!

Problem: There’s one sheet of toilet paper left—but after you finish scraping it from the cardboard roll it looks more like confetti. Solution: tube-free toilet paper! Paper giant Kimberly-Clark will begin testing toilet paper’s biggest change in 100 years this month says USA Today. Apparently, there’s a “special winding process.” The rolls don’t sport a perfectly round center, but they do promise that “even the last piece of toilet paper will be usable—without glue stuck on it.”

The tubeless rolls also get the green stamp of approval because seriously, when’s the last time you recycled a roll instead of using it to shoot a perfect free throw into the trashcan?

I thought this explanation of how toilet paper is made was really interesting. Vikings used wool? Gross.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A quick commercial and then something cool!

This is over the Gardener Expressway, during the Thanksgiving weekend...and then it was gone!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


A sneak peak at the pumpkins while we were apple picking...many more pumpkins to come

Fall pic

This is one of my favorite fall was taken in 2004 in Cambridge Ontario. I would actually like to try and paint this one. Time to go and try our hand at selling Girl Guide Cookies, only problem is my little Brownie fell asleep after school today! Maybe Ringette last night was tougher than we thought;D

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Girl Guide Cookies

It is that time of year!:D Time for the Chocolate mint cookies! We are going to trying selling them door to door tomorrow. Brownies is turning out to be a great adventure...Crafts, songs and cookies sounds like a recipe for fun to me!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Painted Fall

Enjoying the scene up in Waterdown! The trees are changing all around us. Not sure why I am noticing it so much this year. It seems to be early but progressing me time to notice! Enjoy the colours, it doesn't get much better than this ;D

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dundas Square

Dundas Square is the Canadian Time Square. Every way that you turn you see big screen TVs and neon signs. When I was there they also had a band playing. Tons of people and excitement!!! I saw it at dusk, the light were on and people were cruising in cars from the 50's. Great free entertainment!!!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

A beautiful sign of fall! Bright, vivid colours!
Had to drive up the Mountain today, what fabulous colours!! This would be a good weekend locally to go for a Sunday drive, maybe even get some family pics done. If the rain holds off:o)
This picture was taken at Froottogo! That is the local farm where we did our apple picking. Love this place.

Monday, September 27, 2010

You tube video

I found this on You Tube, it was taken the same day as my pictures...It is "Sunday at Tiffany's". It is starring and produced by Alyssa Milano.
Wish I would of seen her!!!

Filming in TO

While we were walking around Toronto on Saturday we came across them filming ..."Why are the Christmas lights up already?" "Is that snow on the road?""Wait a minute... they must be filming... all the cars say New York" Turns out it is a "made for TV type movie based on the book by James Patterson "Sunday at Tiffany's".
Fun to watch:D

Apple Picking

Great afternoon of apple picking! We chose to pick Empire apples...2 of us liked them and they are the most popular...that is what they serve to groups of school kids. It turned out the other 2 really liked them also:D
We have to go back in two weeks for the other variety we want...Delicious!
Not a bargain but we did get an afternoon of fun! They have animals and a hay play area, even ran into friends:O
At $1/lb we got 29lbs...that should keep the Doctor away for a little while!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

We saw a great play in TO! Rock of Ages...based in the 80's girl meets boy type story. Fantastic music, fabulous singing! The lead girl won the contest on TV not that long ago..."A girl like Maria" She won the lead in the Sound of Music. She is incredible!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

September 24, 2004

On this day, six years ago...beautiful day, perfect for a water fight. Or is it just a brother bugging his sister because it is fun?
What ever the reason, good memories!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ringette player

What do you do to get ice time, skating lessons and have fun doing it!!??? This year we will be trying ringette!! It might just be the perfect thing for a girl who likes games and just plain fun.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Making a cake with an Easy Bake! OK, this is something I always wanted...maybe if I would of made an Easy Bake cake when I was little I wouldn't be so surprised at how small they really are...but it is still a good snack size for those who take the time to whip one up!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Settling into the new year, funny how the school year feels more like a new year than new years day!!??? Have to love the history of the school. The school grounds have very old trees, one being more than 400 years old. Many of the trees have to be around 150 to 200 years. The school building is coming up to 100. The school is in the heart of the city, close to the lake and shopping. Wish I could say it was my school but proud to say my kids go there!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pickled Beets

How can something so ugly be turned into a beautiful tasty treat? After boiling to for hours!!! we canned 8 jars of beets. I also did 3 jars of pickled corn...I'm the only one that likes that but sometimes you have to please yourself. I love how things look when you can them...that is part of my fun...aside from eating the finished product.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Settling in to the school year

We made it through the first week of back to school!!! TGIF!!
For a short week it sure felt long=o)
Everyone is liking their teachers, we are settling in to homework...OK so that part isn't going so well but I have high hopes for that this year...we have great intentions anyway. Time to sign up for extra activities, keeping it simple this year. Swimming lessons, because they are a life skill and I won't debate that issue and we are looking at joining Brownies. I always enjoyed Brownies when I was little. Music, crafts and games...what isn't to love? Oh yah...the cookies!!! Love the chocolate mint! Boys seem to be a bit harder to please for activities, how can anything compete with a basement full of Lego? Why even try? We all need down time to create and destroy!
Picture today of Spencer Smith Park 2004

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Feels Fall

Not that I am complaining, but it feels just like fall. We still have a couple weeks of summer...technically speaking...But I can't believe the summer holidays are coming to an end and the kids are going back to school!. I think I will feel better once I get the actual first day behind least I hope so. Luckily the kids don't share my anxiety, I try not to let them see mine.
Enjoy the last day of the Labour day weekend!!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


I worked in retail for over 20 years, during that time the customer was always right.
Now that I have changed carriers it seems the employee is always right.
What has happened and why during these tough times do I feel that I am bothering the sales person with my patronage???? Please!!! Humor Me and act like you are happy that I chose your store and not the one down the block, don't get me wrong I don't expect cartwheels or anything just a simple smile to acknowledge that you see me standing there!! I can even handle the lack of manners when I had you the money as long as you hand me my change and not toss it on the counter. The funny thing is I don't think these sales clerks have a clue of how obnoxiously rude they really are! And yes there are so many of them like this! I really understand how hard it is to deal with the public but it can also be very is only what you make it!
Thanks for listening, I do feel better!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Buffalo Zoo

Shuffle off to Buffalo!!!

Love to see animals...the Buffalo Zoo has a quaint feel! It is a small size that feels like a little park in the middle of the city. Very reasonable, easy to get to, and fun for the whole family!
Took time to stop at a Hotel with a water park in Niagara Falls! Same price for one night in a Buffalo hotel and included the use of the water park for 2 days! Love a great deal!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Lazy Days if summer!!

Today was a day for us to catch up on our chores around the house...aka... a pajama day for the kids! They lounged and played with the toys they missed while at the cottage for the past week. Didn't get dressed until later in the day, only to go shopping for some new school clothes!!!
Just hanging out, playing the way kids should...isn't that what summer is all about?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Just spent a week at the beach, beautiful weather...great fun for the kids. They have found a new hobby, fishing!! Never thought either one would like to fish, what do I know? Had a beautiful sandy beach, water with waves, campfires every night and Grandma and Grandpa joining us with their boat! Into our last week of vacation:(
Already feeling the back to school blues...thank goodness we still have to shop for school supplies...the only plus side to back to school!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Tony & Carmella Soprano

We had a great night out last Saturday!
We went for dinner theater at the Atrium Restaurant.
It was a play, "Till Death do us part", that is based on the characters from the Sopranos. We were all guests at Meadow' s wedding and a "whacking" occurs and we all became suspects!
Great one liners, I laughed until my checks hurt! Great acting, great food, great way to spend a night with friends. Can't wait to see the next one that is set to come out for Christmas.
Check it out here!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Fruit of our Labour!

The garden has been a great experiment this year, a couple of tomato plants, carrots, lettuce and radishes. I need to learn to spread out the seeds better, if too many plants are growing none will do well, had to do a lot of thinning out....that seems to be a the story of my life .lol Anyway, the tomatoes did very well.
Taking this new hobby one step further we made spaghetti sauce today. Kids not as impressed with the sauce making process, they enjoy the growing part better.
My favorite part was the eating, seemed to taste different knowing how much work went into the meal start to finish.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Youth Olympics

If you get a chance check out the Lighting of the Torch at the Youth Olympic games...feel free to fast forward through the official speeches. It is one of the most spectacular lighting of the torch I have seen, it is very pretty. The stage is placed in the water at the bay, so they run through the water.
It is a shame so much time, effort and talent is going unnoticed by most of us. Hope the spirit of the Olympics continues to spread to the youth.

Go Canada Go!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Task#10!!!!!!! Ta da!!!!

I have made it, what a bitter sweet moment! It is like a good book that you just don't want to end, PLEASE I NEED a sequel!!
After completing all the tasks I feel like a level 7. I certainly don't know everything, but I know where to look for more information and have confidence to try.

Betty Blogger has more than met my expectations, I learned what was promised and had more fun doing it than I had anticipated.

Library Lady you were very helpful and patient with my questions, exceeding my expectations! Thank you!

Learning so much and trying many different things, different ways and then remembering what you had done when it finally worked ...that was the most challenging thing. Maybe if I was younger and still had a good memory for more than 2 minutes this wouldn't be an issue.

The learning model was easy to follow, any questions were answered very quickly...a process that seems to work well. I like it!

I am hoping you run this program again, maybe even more often as I already have a couple of friends that would like to take the course!!!
I also hope that you have a coarse that expands on what we know...I want to learn more and since this information is always changing there will always be something to learn...and it is so much fun!

I will now have to find something else to blog about...maybe I will start posting some "crafty things"!

Thank you so much to Library Lady, Melissa P and others in the class for adding to my postings. This has been a blast and can't wait to meet you!

Task#9 Cataloguing

Learning about cataloging was actually kinda depressing:(
It made me realize how little I have read in the last 10 years! BK,before kids, I read at least a book a it is like a book a year.
Oh well, you have to enjoy where you are at when you are there because you aren't anywhere for a long time. Deep thoughts.
Someday when I start to read more...other than Magic Tree house, Cam Jensen, or Junie B Jones...Library thing might be very useful.
Time is short and it is interesting that it can help you find books you would enjoy, and that's a good thing!
This is my link to Library Thing.

Task #8 Feeds

It has been a long time since I posted might think I haven't been doing anything...Wrong!!! I seem to be a little addicted! If one can be a little addicted to something,I am forever on the computer search, learning, and watching videos on how to do everything...and yes! Face book! What a world that has become. I am keeping in touch with cousins as far away as Hong cool is that.

The latest task has me adding RSS feeds to Google Reader. Surprise! I have been using RSS feeds for a few months! There, I finally get to say that!

Google reader for me was a bit tricky, maybe I am doing something wrong...When it says to add a new feed I would prefer it work as a browser. Instead I had to copy the websites into the space...See I did do something wrong. If I was at the website and I just clicked to add RSS feeds it automatically set it up in my email account. That is how I had been tracking the feeds, so maybe it was just a setup problem that I was dealing with. Anyhow....I did manage to get feeds in the Google Reader and love how it works.
I will continue to play with Google Reader...the more I learn the more I like it!

Some of the feeds I follow are news related.,, and Being "Craftyone" I also follow many feeds about crafts.

I like to keep in touch with the world and RSS feeds makes it easy!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Task #7 Wikis

I decided to bring a jello salad and cone cupcakes to the picnic...something summery and fun to make!
PBWiki was extremely easy to use, I really enjoyed learning about Wikis. I am thinking of endless uses for Wikis... so many times my email gets bogged down when trying to organize a party or make plans involving a group.
I look forward to learning more and using Wikis...I know my friends are going to be impressed and happy for a solution to our planning woes.

Task #6 Google Docs

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Picasa slide show

Wow!!! I think I did it!!! I seem to be saying that allot lately...oh what a feeling! Thanks Melissa P for the inspiration!

Friday, July 30, 2010


I have been playing with my pictures...I have uploaded a few to Picasa to make an album. This is combining two of my favorite hobbies, photography and blogging! I don't have enough free time to do all my hobbies, it helps to think of it as multitasking!!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Six flags Great Escape

What you show of one child you have to show of the other!
Note that by the end of our stay they were able to kneel on the boards, which is the max that kids are allowed to try! What determination and skill, you both did a fantastic job surfing!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Task #5

I have been exploring Picasa, I love photography!!! I have looked at tons of pics and in the end choose this waterfall as one of my favorites. This picture didn't have any tags with was very hard to find...but I like waterfalls.
So far I love this site, I will be posting my pictures here...more on that in days to come. I love to take pictures of things, finally I may an audience who would like to see them!

Monday, July 26, 2010

You tube video

I think I did it!!!! This is a video I posted on You Tube and have now embedded in my blog! If this works there will be no stopping me now! Library Lady, I think you have created a monster! I'm loving it! Thanks for your help.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Adding Profile Picture to Comments

I recently added my profile pic to my comments...just in case someone else wants to try this...choose the "settings tab", click on comments, scroll down to almost the end and click "yes" to the question "Show Profile images on comments".
I think that is how I did it...I am playing with so many things it is getting hard to keep it all straight.

Task #4

I have signed up for a facebook account, this has taken far more time than I thought it would...I am getting sucked in! Looking for people and reading about goes on and on!
I love the idea of facebook, I have set my security to be friends only...but I am still concerned about what other people see. For all I know other people can post pictures of us on their account and I wouldn't even maybe it is better to see what is going on??? I will post few pictures including kids...and won't say anything that I wouldn't say to the world.
I will most likely continue to use I have time to keep it up, not sure...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Task #3

Today I joined Diigo. I have saved some of my bookmarks including the spec, Canoe and Pat's paper...all showing different current events and news. I also saved about 5 of my favorite scrap booking sites. Even found some news ones in Diigo from the tag words that I used...Scrap booking, stamping, cards, crafts, kids.
It was interesting to see the new world of sites that opened up. I find this interesting and will continue to try using Diigo but I do feel like I am missing something, not sure how this will be better than good old fashion favorites. Time and playing will tell.
I have also included a picture of our summer project...a veggie garden. The radishes have been fantastic, and now the tomatoes are looking like a bumper crop! The garden has been such a success that we might double the size next year!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I have been trying to fine tune my blog...getting a picture and description for my profile, adding a gadget...just trying to reflect me. So many choices and options!
Time to read more info on tagging, maybe by tomorrow I will be ready to start tagging! Having a great time with a new hobby!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Task #2

I have spent hours watching videos on YouTube, and I suddenly thought of an old show that I loved to watch as a kid...and yes I found it! I just love George and this brought back not just great memories but a great feeling, a real blast from the past.
I wish I could watch an episode and share it with my kids...Maybe someday the episodes will make it to YouTube.
I can see why people love to look at YouTube, very entertaining and educational...anything you want to see. I finally learned how to cut a Mango LOL!
I will continue to use YouTube and want to try posting a video...all in good time!

George 1972 opening credits

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Task #1

Hi there,
I am finally blogging! After a short delay due to a relaxing family vacation I am on line and completing my first task with Betty Blogger! Yeah! I am not very experienced with Web2. I will give my self a 2 out of 10 since I have read a lot of blogs...and that sums up my experience! I am this far and ready to play!