Sunday, August 15, 2010

Task #8 Feeds

It has been a long time since I posted might think I haven't been doing anything...Wrong!!! I seem to be a little addicted! If one can be a little addicted to something,I am forever on the computer search, learning, and watching videos on how to do everything...and yes! Face book! What a world that has become. I am keeping in touch with cousins as far away as Hong cool is that.

The latest task has me adding RSS feeds to Google Reader. Surprise! I have been using RSS feeds for a few months! There, I finally get to say that!

Google reader for me was a bit tricky, maybe I am doing something wrong...When it says to add a new feed I would prefer it work as a browser. Instead I had to copy the websites into the space...See I did do something wrong. If I was at the website and I just clicked to add RSS feeds it automatically set it up in my email account. That is how I had been tracking the feeds, so maybe it was just a setup problem that I was dealing with. Anyhow....I did manage to get feeds in the Google Reader and love how it works.
I will continue to play with Google Reader...the more I learn the more I like it!

Some of the feeds I follow are news related.,, and Being "Craftyone" I also follow many feeds about crafts.

I like to keep in touch with the world and RSS feeds makes it easy!


  1. Look at you go, Superstar! Great work. RSS feeds are definitely something you either like or really don't like, so I'm glad we have a convert already in the class.

    I agree, Google Reader is a bit wonky when it comes to adding a new subscription. But I find the layout easier than other aggregators. Which do you use? We used to ask students to use Bloglines, but there was WAY too much confusion between "blogs" and "bloglines" so we navigated away from it.

  2. All I have done in the past is while at a website that I like I click on add an RSS feed and it automatically set it up in outlook under RSS feeds. When I check my email all the feeds are listed on the left side under the Inbox. Each feed has a number with the number of new entries beside it. You have to click on each feed to actually get the update, there isn't a little blurb on each item. Does that make sense?
    With Google reader I usually get enough information to be informed...anything interesting I still end up going to the website.

  3. We definitely knew that you would be keeping yourself busy! It is truly wonderful to find out that someone is really finding these Web 2.0 tools to be so much fun AND so helpful.

    And thanks for the tip about RSS feeds in Outlook.
