Monday, August 30, 2010

Lazy Days if summer!!

Today was a day for us to catch up on our chores around the house...aka... a pajama day for the kids! They lounged and played with the toys they missed while at the cottage for the past week. Didn't get dressed until later in the day, only to go shopping for some new school clothes!!!
Just hanging out, playing the way kids should...isn't that what summer is all about?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Just spent a week at the beach, beautiful weather...great fun for the kids. They have found a new hobby, fishing!! Never thought either one would like to fish, what do I know? Had a beautiful sandy beach, water with waves, campfires every night and Grandma and Grandpa joining us with their boat! Into our last week of vacation:(
Already feeling the back to school blues...thank goodness we still have to shop for school supplies...the only plus side to back to school!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Tony & Carmella Soprano

We had a great night out last Saturday!
We went for dinner theater at the Atrium Restaurant.
It was a play, "Till Death do us part", that is based on the characters from the Sopranos. We were all guests at Meadow' s wedding and a "whacking" occurs and we all became suspects!
Great one liners, I laughed until my checks hurt! Great acting, great food, great way to spend a night with friends. Can't wait to see the next one that is set to come out for Christmas.
Check it out here!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Fruit of our Labour!

The garden has been a great experiment this year, a couple of tomato plants, carrots, lettuce and radishes. I need to learn to spread out the seeds better, if too many plants are growing none will do well, had to do a lot of thinning out....that seems to be a the story of my life .lol Anyway, the tomatoes did very well.
Taking this new hobby one step further we made spaghetti sauce today. Kids not as impressed with the sauce making process, they enjoy the growing part better.
My favorite part was the eating, seemed to taste different knowing how much work went into the meal start to finish.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Youth Olympics

If you get a chance check out the Lighting of the Torch at the Youth Olympic games...feel free to fast forward through the official speeches. It is one of the most spectacular lighting of the torch I have seen, it is very pretty. The stage is placed in the water at the bay, so they run through the water.
It is a shame so much time, effort and talent is going unnoticed by most of us. Hope the spirit of the Olympics continues to spread to the youth.

Go Canada Go!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Task#10!!!!!!! Ta da!!!!

I have made it, what a bitter sweet moment! It is like a good book that you just don't want to end, PLEASE I NEED a sequel!!
After completing all the tasks I feel like a level 7. I certainly don't know everything, but I know where to look for more information and have confidence to try.

Betty Blogger has more than met my expectations, I learned what was promised and had more fun doing it than I had anticipated.

Library Lady you were very helpful and patient with my questions, exceeding my expectations! Thank you!

Learning so much and trying many different things, different ways and then remembering what you had done when it finally worked ...that was the most challenging thing. Maybe if I was younger and still had a good memory for more than 2 minutes this wouldn't be an issue.

The learning model was easy to follow, any questions were answered very quickly...a process that seems to work well. I like it!

I am hoping you run this program again, maybe even more often as I already have a couple of friends that would like to take the course!!!
I also hope that you have a coarse that expands on what we know...I want to learn more and since this information is always changing there will always be something to learn...and it is so much fun!

I will now have to find something else to blog about...maybe I will start posting some "crafty things"!

Thank you so much to Library Lady, Melissa P and others in the class for adding to my postings. This has been a blast and can't wait to meet you!

Task#9 Cataloguing

Learning about cataloging was actually kinda depressing:(
It made me realize how little I have read in the last 10 years! BK,before kids, I read at least a book a it is like a book a year.
Oh well, you have to enjoy where you are at when you are there because you aren't anywhere for a long time. Deep thoughts.
Someday when I start to read more...other than Magic Tree house, Cam Jensen, or Junie B Jones...Library thing might be very useful.
Time is short and it is interesting that it can help you find books you would enjoy, and that's a good thing!
This is my link to Library Thing.

Task #8 Feeds

It has been a long time since I posted might think I haven't been doing anything...Wrong!!! I seem to be a little addicted! If one can be a little addicted to something,I am forever on the computer search, learning, and watching videos on how to do everything...and yes! Face book! What a world that has become. I am keeping in touch with cousins as far away as Hong cool is that.

The latest task has me adding RSS feeds to Google Reader. Surprise! I have been using RSS feeds for a few months! There, I finally get to say that!

Google reader for me was a bit tricky, maybe I am doing something wrong...When it says to add a new feed I would prefer it work as a browser. Instead I had to copy the websites into the space...See I did do something wrong. If I was at the website and I just clicked to add RSS feeds it automatically set it up in my email account. That is how I had been tracking the feeds, so maybe it was just a setup problem that I was dealing with. Anyhow....I did manage to get feeds in the Google Reader and love how it works.
I will continue to play with Google Reader...the more I learn the more I like it!

Some of the feeds I follow are news related.,, and Being "Craftyone" I also follow many feeds about crafts.

I like to keep in touch with the world and RSS feeds makes it easy!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Task #7 Wikis

I decided to bring a jello salad and cone cupcakes to the picnic...something summery and fun to make!
PBWiki was extremely easy to use, I really enjoyed learning about Wikis. I am thinking of endless uses for Wikis... so many times my email gets bogged down when trying to organize a party or make plans involving a group.
I look forward to learning more and using Wikis...I know my friends are going to be impressed and happy for a solution to our planning woes.

Task #6 Google Docs

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Picasa slide show

Wow!!! I think I did it!!! I seem to be saying that allot lately...oh what a feeling! Thanks Melissa P for the inspiration!