Friday, July 30, 2010


I have been playing with my pictures...I have uploaded a few to Picasa to make an album. This is combining two of my favorite hobbies, photography and blogging! I don't have enough free time to do all my hobbies, it helps to think of it as multitasking!!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Six flags Great Escape

What you show of one child you have to show of the other!
Note that by the end of our stay they were able to kneel on the boards, which is the max that kids are allowed to try! What determination and skill, you both did a fantastic job surfing!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Task #5

I have been exploring Picasa, I love photography!!! I have looked at tons of pics and in the end choose this waterfall as one of my favorites. This picture didn't have any tags with was very hard to find...but I like waterfalls.
So far I love this site, I will be posting my pictures here...more on that in days to come. I love to take pictures of things, finally I may an audience who would like to see them!

Monday, July 26, 2010

You tube video

I think I did it!!!! This is a video I posted on You Tube and have now embedded in my blog! If this works there will be no stopping me now! Library Lady, I think you have created a monster! I'm loving it! Thanks for your help.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Adding Profile Picture to Comments

I recently added my profile pic to my comments...just in case someone else wants to try this...choose the "settings tab", click on comments, scroll down to almost the end and click "yes" to the question "Show Profile images on comments".
I think that is how I did it...I am playing with so many things it is getting hard to keep it all straight.

Task #4

I have signed up for a facebook account, this has taken far more time than I thought it would...I am getting sucked in! Looking for people and reading about goes on and on!
I love the idea of facebook, I have set my security to be friends only...but I am still concerned about what other people see. For all I know other people can post pictures of us on their account and I wouldn't even maybe it is better to see what is going on??? I will post few pictures including kids...and won't say anything that I wouldn't say to the world.
I will most likely continue to use I have time to keep it up, not sure...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Task #3

Today I joined Diigo. I have saved some of my bookmarks including the spec, Canoe and Pat's paper...all showing different current events and news. I also saved about 5 of my favorite scrap booking sites. Even found some news ones in Diigo from the tag words that I used...Scrap booking, stamping, cards, crafts, kids.
It was interesting to see the new world of sites that opened up. I find this interesting and will continue to try using Diigo but I do feel like I am missing something, not sure how this will be better than good old fashion favorites. Time and playing will tell.
I have also included a picture of our summer project...a veggie garden. The radishes have been fantastic, and now the tomatoes are looking like a bumper crop! The garden has been such a success that we might double the size next year!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I have been trying to fine tune my blog...getting a picture and description for my profile, adding a gadget...just trying to reflect me. So many choices and options!
Time to read more info on tagging, maybe by tomorrow I will be ready to start tagging! Having a great time with a new hobby!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Task #2

I have spent hours watching videos on YouTube, and I suddenly thought of an old show that I loved to watch as a kid...and yes I found it! I just love George and this brought back not just great memories but a great feeling, a real blast from the past.
I wish I could watch an episode and share it with my kids...Maybe someday the episodes will make it to YouTube.
I can see why people love to look at YouTube, very entertaining and educational...anything you want to see. I finally learned how to cut a Mango LOL!
I will continue to use YouTube and want to try posting a video...all in good time!

George 1972 opening credits

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Task #1

Hi there,
I am finally blogging! After a short delay due to a relaxing family vacation I am on line and completing my first task with Betty Blogger! Yeah! I am not very experienced with Web2. I will give my self a 2 out of 10 since I have read a lot of blogs...and that sums up my experience! I am this far and ready to play!